I'm much more stubborn about getting eligible for graduate school at this point...(after all, I'm paying for classes with my own money)...
At that point in my life, I was too distracted by the lovelorn stuff (as well as the death of a close friend) to dedicate the time and money to living near a state university on low wages.
Didn't help I didn't get aid for half of that academic year, and they took it to court, and it took me half a decade to pay off. Lol...
Onward and upward, though. 🙂
Worked a rather late overtime hospital shift (3pm to 11pm), got home on foot a bit after midnight.
Looking through my new WIP, "Words Are Strands of Unkempt Hair", sort of a bric-a-brac of poems from my Twenties for the most part...
Here's a couple of poems I wrote at 24 and 25 during my short stay as a student of the University of Oklahoma... (nota bene: I wrote my very first poems at 22)...
This was my debut acceptance in a literary magazine, a sort of #flash or a #prosepoem I wrote when working at a greyhound and a college dropout. Dragon Poet Review picked it up Fall 2018, a lovely Oklahoma area literary magazine.
It's the third piece in my debut collection "Trionfini"... the whole collection has a sort of processional movement, ending on my work in hospitals during Covid...
Author of 'Trionfini', a 2022 WJB Press collection. NSU BGS major in the Tulsa, OK area. He/They and bi