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Right on schedule, our April issue is full!

The last few acceptances will go out this week.

And that means we're now open for the June issue:

It's best to submit early.

An excerpt of an early review by Grace Cavalieri, Maryland's Poet Laureate:

"You’ll read this book over and again."

Says it all!

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Cover art for Don Illich's Love Poems on Bar Napkins, the newest book in this year's in-house poetry chapbook series.

Don's first book with us, Rescue is Elsewhere, is available on Amazon:

Mark your calendar for this Sunday for a reading by Angela Acosta, author of A Belief in Cosmic Dailiness from our SFWA chapbook series.

Free registration on Eventbrite:

The book is available on Amazon:

Draft cover art for the first book in this year's SFWA series, The Goose Liver Anthology.

The collection reworks Mother Goose rhymes into short narrative pieces in the style of The Spoon River Anthology.

Book mail time!

Just received copies of my first microcollection with Rinky Dink Press.

Check them out - they have quite a few series.


Right on schedule, our April issue is half full.

Longer form poetry and more prose poetry subs would be nice.

We're also trying out music tracks this issue, for poets who moonlight as musicians and vice versa.

Mark your calendar for a reading this Friday with Don Illich, author of Rescue is Elsewhere, a UFO-themed chapbook from our recent SFWA chapbook series.

Free registration on Eventbrite:

The book is available on Amazon:

Our 2024 science fiction and fantasy chapbook series is open for submissions!

Funded by a generous grant from the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association.

We're thrilled to say that the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association has approved us for a grant to produce a new series of SFF poetry chapbooks.

More details soon!

Are you in the Chicago area?

Mark your calendar for next Friday for a reading and birthday celebration with Zach Cahill, author of Unicorn Death Moon from our recent SFWA chapbook series:

Unicorn Death Moon is available on Amazon:

The Chicago Reader voted it a Top 10 gift (#2, actually) from its most recent gift guide.

One of our founding editors, Catherine Potter, has just started a series of essays and articles on history and literature.

Check out the first piece on Mary, Queen of Scots:

Draft cover art for the newest book in this year's chapbook series, "Scaffold & Mirage" - a collection of philosophical, Ashberian prose poems.

Our twenty-second and February issue is live!

With poetry, visual art, a critical essay, and - expanding our range - a music track.

A preview of Series 11 from Rinky Dink Press, with my new micro-chapbook, "Who Needs a Door When You Have a Fence."


Our February issue is a wrap! All acceptances have been sent, and we're working on final edits.

And with that, our reading period for the April issue is now open:

A new web comic from one of our artists, Madari Pendas, with a few cheeky and very relatable observations about life after the MFA. 😀

Check it out!

Happy New Year!

As we wrap up the year and look forward to the next, would you consider supporting our 2024 chapbooks and projects with a donation?

Every donation counts! 😀

Cover art for my upcoming micro-chapbook with Rinky Dink Press.

Fits the spirit of the book perfectly!


Just in time for the weekend, our December issue is live!

We think this is one of our best issues yet, and a strong finish to another year of exceptional poetry and art.

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Red Ogre Review

Red Ogre Review is a monthly journal of poetry, prose poetry, and visual art. We are fiscally sponsored by Independent Arts & Media for non-profit activities. Tweets by Matt, EIC.