A new web comic from one of our artists, Madari Pendas, with a few cheeky and very relatable observations about life after the MFA. 😀
Check it out!
Happy New Year!
As we wrap up the year and look forward to the next, would you consider supporting our 2024 chapbooks and projects with a donation?
Every donation counts! 😀
Cover art for my upcoming micro-chapbook with Rinky Dink Press.
Fits the spirit of the book perfectly!
Just in time for the weekend, our December issue is live!
We think this is one of our best issues yet, and a strong finish to another year of exceptional poetry and art.
Today is Giving Tuesday, an international day of philanthropy!
We'd be grateful for your support of our 2024 chapbook series:
Every donation counts!
Looking for a stocking stuffer or a small gift for a Secret Santa exchange?
We have a bunch of fun and cheeky merch on Etsy:
Best to order early to avoid the inevitable December shipping delays when holiday shopping heats up.
Depending on the book, the author takes 100% of the proceeds, or splits them with us equally.
Our share is earmarked to help fund our 2024 chapbook series.
There's really no better time to check out our books!
The holidays are here!
And as part of our annual fundraising, our books are priced at a 33% holiday discount:
2 anthologies and 5 chapbooks
in paperback and Kindle e-book format.
The author shares equally in the proceeds. We're earmarking our share to help fund our 2024 chapbook series.
And as with all of our books, if you donate a copy to your local library, we'll credit you as a sponsor on the book's page on our site!
We're thrilled to announce the newest arrival to our chapbooks - John Sullivan's "The Big Forever Swim."
This is a unique work that blends verse and theater scripts into a new hybrid form, the poem-script.
$7.99 on Amazon after a 20% holiday discount!
Feel like getting a head start on your holiday shopping?
We have a bunch of new stuff on our Etsy shop!
T-shirts, ball caps, a journaling notebook, and several other fun things:
I'm thrilled to say that RDP has accepted my new micro-collection to their next series!
These are cool microzines - check them out:
A wonderful review of one of our new chapbooks, Unicorn Death Moon:
$14.99 on Amazon:
All proceeds go to the author!
Our December issue is a wrap!
And we're now opening the reading period for the February 2024 issue:
It's a good idea to send in subs early. We'll have holiday free time for the issue in December, a bit less in January after the holidays.
Our December issue is filling up, but we still have room!
More prose poetry and longer pieces would be nice.
A wonderful review of GRAB, one of our new SFFH chapbooks:
Only $6.99 on Amazon:
All proceeds go to the author!
Happy Halloween!
We're delighted to announce the release of our newest book in our chapbook series, Unicorn Death Moon.
Part poetry, part art, also a planner / writing notebook - it's one of a kind:
100% of proceeds go to the author.
Happy to say I placed a piece with Cape Magazine's next issue - a John Cheever-esque piece inspired, just for the fun of it, by celebrity divorce news and an old Taking Back Sunday emo song.
Check them out, they have cool issues.
Red Ogre Review is an indie journal of poetry, prose poetry, and visual art. We are fiscally sponsored by Independent Arts & Media for non-profit activities. Tweets by Matt, EIC.